
Poor Scrapyard Ranger

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Once, she was a tomboyish young lady, oddly enamored with the local scrapyard and all the rusting treasures it contained. She would spend hours scrambling through the heaps of discarded machines and debris, piecing together gadgets and exploring. The junkyard's dog, rather than chasing off the intruder, Became her companion instead, roaming the winding aisles between the piles of metal by her side. She would often bring him treats, cementing his friendship.

Then came the day she made the discovery. She was rummaging through debris piles as usual when the strange object caught her eye, clearly far more advanced than anything else in the scrapyard - almost alien, though she believed such a thing impossible at the time. She began to tinker with the strange device, as was her wont - and it activated in her hands. A hologram shimmered into being, a giant head with a red face, which fixed the girl and her canine companion with a fascinated gaze. The hologram introduced itself as Hardon, a ruler of another dimension that was in danger.

Hardon explained to the girl that her prowess navigating the junkyard for scavenging parts and, more importantly, "attitude" marked her as the chosen one who could save his world from impending disaster. Before the girl could respond, she and the dog by her side were dissolved into digital data and combined, fusing into a single entity. When their mind cleared, they were no longer in the scrapyard! A nightmarish landscape of shadows and monsters surrounded them!

The voice of Hardon came through the helmet they were wearing, explaining that this dark realm, Niflheim, was attacking and consuming other dimensions that touched upon it. Only they, as the newly-created Junk Ranger, had the necessary skills and powers to thwart the residents of this evil land. And indeed, the newly minted ranger found they possessed new and unique capabilities to battle with the strange and perverted creatures surrounding them - not the least of which was the ability to summon a colossal mecha-dog to fight alongside them. They also had a supergravity weapon, the Power Bone, capable of smashing perverse enemies with a single blow.

Category Information

Limited Edition Mini

Limited Edition Soul Puppets are acquired by financially supporting the game and rolling LESP Tokens.

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